PPC Management Case Study

Staying ahead in digital technology is crucial for success in the fiercely competitive insurance industry. A renowned insurance company sought assistance from Orange agency’s PPC specialists to enhance their Pay-Per-Click (PPC) marketing efforts. Despite significant investments, they aimed to improve their conversion rates.


  • Keyword Research and Optimization
  • Ad Copy Enhancements
  • Landing Page Optimization


The insurance industry is notorious for its cutthroat competition, making finding prospects who meet your criteria difficult. The existing PPC strategy of our customer needed to provide the expected results, which resulted in a low conversion rate and a high Cost Per Acquisition (CPA). They were looking for a novel approach to enhance their number of customers and their overall revenue.


Our team devised a comprehensive PPC strategy, with the primary focus being optimizing AdWords PPC management to address the problem of poor conversions. The primary objective was to increase the conversion rate while lowering the CPA.

Our strategy:

Keyword Research and Optimization:

We conducted extensive research to locate high-intent keywords associated with the services offered by the insurance firm. By adjusting the AdWords PPC management and using the targeted keywords, we aimed to raise the click-through rate (CTR) and obtain more qualified prospects.


Ad Copy Enhancements:

It is crucial to have appealing advertising content to grab potential customers’ attention. We crafted advertising material that was both intriguing and relevant, and it highlighted the insurance company’s unique selling propositions (USPs), which in turn encouraged individuals to click on the ads.


Landing Page Optimization:

It is necessary to provide a consistent user experience to transform clicks into qualified leads. We analyzed the landing pages thoroughly and optimized them to correspond with the ad wording. Because of this alignment, we were able to provide a consistent and engaging experience for our customers, which led to a significant increase in our conversion rates.



Because insurance is a location-specific service, we utilized geo-targeting to communicate with prospective customers in particular geographic areas where the insurance firm operated. This strategy boosted ad relevancy, leading to better click-through rates and conversions.


Ad Scheduling:

Through analysis of user behavior data, we identified the peak hours during which potential customers were most active. By scheduling our advertisements to appear during these times of high website activity, we increased the likelihood of successfully generating quality leads.


The results of our revamped PPC strategy were outstanding

Conversion Rate Increase:

Our enhanced methodology increased The conversion rate by more than 90.3%. The increased conversion rate increased the number of customers who signed up for insurance policies, directly impacting the company’s earnings.


Click-Through Rate (CTR) Boost:

An astonishing 95% click-through rate was achieved thanks to the carefully crafted advertisement language and selected keywords. It suggested that respondents believed the commercials to be incredibly relevant and were eager to learn more about the many options available for insurance coverage.


Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) Reduction:

Our successful optimization endeavors significantly reduced the Cost Per Acquisition (CPA), surpassing expectations with a 79% decrease. This cost-saving approach allowed the insurance company to enhance the Return on Investment (ROI) for its pay-per-click (PPC) advertising campaigns by efficiently acquiring new clients at a reduced expenditure.


The effectiveness of a carefully implemented pay-per-click PPC strategy becomes evident through our in-depth analysis of a customer-focused and data-centric PPC management case study. We successfully revitalized conversion rates for the insurance company by accurately identifying and adapting to challenging aspects, enabling them to thrive in a highly competitive market environment.